**Attention UUCEF Account Holders**

Action Required To Remain Invested In The UUCEF! On October 9th the UUCEF, LLC mailed out a new Investment Information Memorandum, Subscription Agreement and, Operating Agreement. If you have not already received your package you should be receiving it very shortly. We … Continued

September Monthly Commentary

Global equities were mostly negative in September as continuing growth concerns in China permeated markets and worried investors and central bankers alike.  In the US, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) elected not to raise its target interest rate.  As … Continued

August Monthly Commentary

August was a difficult month as China’s surprise devaluation of the yuan fueled concerns around global growth and unleashed a wave of volatility, sparing few asset classes. For instance, the MSCI EM Index fell 9% as emerging market equities—especially China’s … Continued

BCAM Client Communication on Market Volatility

Dear Client, As you are aware, the global equity markets continued to sell off today. As the U.S. markets close this afternoon, we would like to take this opportunity to point out the following:          We believe the recent, sharp decline … Continued

Market Update from NEPC

In light of the recent market volatility, we wanted to share some market performance as well as an estimate of the UUA returns for both August and the YTD period. Index returns for the month of August are roughly as … Continued

July Monthly Commentary

The Greek debt crisis and a steep sell-off of overheated local equities in China dominated headlines in July.  However, it was slowing growth out of China—the world’s second largest economy—that seemed to have the most pervasive impact on markets.  Commodity … Continued

June Monthly Commentary

Global markets seesawed in June as investors turned their attention to Greece’s negotiations with its creditors and deliberated the likelihood of yet another bailout. In the early part of the month, developed market equities responded positively as Greece and its … Continued

Socially Responsible Investing and the UUA

In past years, it has been one of the UUA’s Socially Responsible Investment Committees’ goals to bring increased responsibility and change to the financial industry. In the past, notions about fiduciary responsibility have often superseded the responsibility that some investors … Continued

May Monthly Commentary

US equities bounced around in May with trading marked by low volume and changing sentiment as investors grappled with the potential impact of mixed economic data on the Federal Reserve’s timing of a rate increase. Smaller-cap issues fared better than … Continued

April Monthly Commentary

International equities surged in April, with the MSCI EAFE Index gaining 4.1%, as monetary easing policies in Europe and Japan emboldened investors. Emerging market stocks also rallied as investors embraced the likelihood that the Fed would delay raising rates in … Continued