November Monthly Commentary

Equities confounded expectations, touching record highs in November, even as an unexpected outcome to the US presidential election heightened global uncertainties. The S&P 500 Index returned 3.7% last month, surpassing the 2200 price level for the first time on November … Continued

Socially Responsible Investing for the Individual

One of the most common questions we get at the Socially Responsible Investing Committee is “Can I invest in the UU Common Endowment Fund?  If not, how should I invest my personal funds in a socially responsible manner?” Because of … Continued

Transparency in Corporate Political Spending

The UUA often advocates for transparency in terms of political spending by corporations.  We believe that when companies spend shareholder resources, that those shareholders deserve to fully understand what those resources are supporting.  The UUA is leading or co-filing 7 … Continued

HP Back on the Approved List

The Socially Responsible Investment Committee has responsibility to advise the Investment Committee on how best to live up to UUA values in our Common Endowment Fund. This committee uses a consultant, Sustainalytics, to analyze the top thousand companies in the United … Continued

Corporate Climate Lobbying in the US

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has posted a new podcast highlighting findings from The Climate Accountability Scorecard: Ranking Major Fossil Fuel Companies on Climate Deception, Disclosure and Action, a Union of Concerned Scientists report. Please listen to Kathy Mulvey’s, … Continued

October Monthly Commentary

US equities sold off in October ahead of the presidential elections on November 8. The S&P 500 lost 1.8% on the month and the Russell 2000 fell 4.8% amid lackluster earnings reports. Emerging market equities eked out modest gains generated … Continued

Green Energy Surges

There’s good news on the shift from fossil fuels to renewables. According to the International Energy Agency renewables have overtaken coal as the biggest source of power capacity globally. And the change is happening so rapidly that the IEA has … Continued

The Value of Diversification

By Tim Brennan, Treasurer & CFO, UUA Here’s a question I get a lot: why doesn’t The UU Common Endowment Fund, LLC (UUCEF) put more of its assets into US stocks? And conversely, why keep investing in international stocks? After … Continued

The Disease of Doubt

Concerned about the recent short-term performance, read the latest white paper from NEPC’s Chief Investment Officer, Timothy McCusker. Doubt can be a pesky thing. Once infected with it, it is hard to shake off. It makes you second guess what … Continued