Here we’ve compiled resources to help your congregation with its Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) program, whether you are just starting out, or already engaged and looking for ways to deepen your congregation’s SRI involvement.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Top Five Tools for Congregations

  1. Proxy Guidelines
  2. Screening Guidelines
  3. Shareholder advocacy you can get involved in
  4. Where is your congregation on the SRI spectrum? An assessment tool for UU congregations that was first unveiled at the Socially Responsible Investing for Your Congregation conference

SRI Teleconferences

Training Presentations

The UUA Committee on Socially Responsible Investing holds teleconferences on shareholder activism, community investment and investment screening. In the past, up to eighty-five people from 32 congregations participated.

Read the article in UU World about the popular teleconferences.

Additional Tools for Congregations

Learn How Your Congregation Can Join with the UUA to Become a Powerful Voice for SRI

The UU Common Endowment Fund can invest and manage your fund on behalf of your congregation.

Become an SRI Advocate!

Does your congregation want to be more involved in SRI? Do you want to stay “in the loop” and keep informed of the UUA’s SRI activities? Contact responsibleinvesting @ for more information.

List of Socially Responsible Mutual Fund Companies

A Reference List of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds Companies with net assets over $600 million—the UUA does not endorse or recommend these companies or any specific funds.