June Market Commentary

As we cross the half way mark for 2014, global equity markets are seemingly telling a familiar story.  The MSCI World Index has clocked 15.7% in average annual returns over the past five years, placing 2014’s year-to-date gains of 6.2% … Continued

May Market Commentary [PDF]

Global equities continued their steady march upward in May amid tame economic growth, subdued inflation, and historically low volatility among asset classes. Emerging market stocks led the way, with the MSCI EM Index up 3.5%. Domestic small cap stocks partially … Continued

September Market Commentary

Global stock markets posted strong gains in September as the Federal Reserve delayed plans to taper its accommodative monetary policy, tensions eased in the Middle East, and several emerging markets showed signs of stability. The S&P 500 climbed toward a … Continued

August Market Commentary

Global equity markets were pulled lower in August by concerns around an impending “tapering” of accommodative monetary policy in the US, and fears of escalating conflict in Syria affecting global energy supplies. Led downward by the shares of smaller companies, … Continued

SRIC Report to 2013 General Assembly

Rev. Glenn Coleman Farley Chair, Socially Responsible Investing Committee Minister, Sedona UU Fellowship Last night on a Facebook post, our Moderator Gini posed a question: “What would it be like to have thousands of people to talk with about what … Continued