UUA Adopts Business Resolution on Human Rights Investing

At its 2020 virtual General Assembly, the UUA adopted a Business Resolution on Embodying Human Rights in Our Investment Decisions. Ninety-five percent of delegates voted for the resolution, which was sponsored by a wide range of UU social justice organizations … Continued

August Monthly Commentary

Equities continued their winning streak in August—marking the fifth straight month of gains—amid improving investor sentiment bolstered by ongoing stimulus, better than expected quarterly earnings, and optimism around a vaccine. In the US, the S&P 500 Index returned 7.2%, gaining … Continued

July Monthly Commentary

The S&P 500 Index was up for the fourth straight month, increasing 5.6% in July; the gains pushed the index into positive territory with a year-to-date returns of 2.4%. This confidence comes despite a record spike in infection rates in … Continued

UUCEF Statement on Continuing Social Injustice

During the virtual UUA General Assembly in June 2020, Investment Committee member Ken Redd delivered the following statement on behalf of the Investment and Socially Responsible Investing Committees to open our workshop on Mobilizing Investments to Advance UU Values. Slides … Continued

June Monthly Commentary

Risk assets added to recent gains as economies around the world relaxed restrictions and central banks and governments continued to provide extraordinary stimulus to offset the weak economic backdrop. Despite a pandemic and a recession, investors embraced risk in their … Continued

May Monthly Commentary

Risk assets pushed higher this month as economies around the world began reopening and relaxing restrictions. While COVID-19 remains a dominant headline, news of progress in developing a vaccine and signs of a rebound in economic activity bolstered market sentiment. … Continued

April Monthly Commentary

Following a disappointing first quarter, risk assets moved higher in April as central banks and governments stepped in with monetary and fiscal stimuli to stem the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the virus continued to spread, new data indicated … Continued

UUCEF Increases Commitment to Community Investments

Earlier this year, the UUA Board of Trustees voted to increase the allocation of the UU Common Endowment Fund to community investing from one percent to five percent of the portfolio. Based on the market value of UUCEF assets as … Continued

March Monthly Commentary

Volatility roiled markets in the first quarter as investors grappled with the potential economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economies across the world screeched to an abrupt halt in the face of travel restrictions and containment efforts, sending the CBOE … Continued

UUCEF Investor Letter

A message from the UUA’s Treasurer, Andrew McGeorge, and Investment Committees. Dear Investors: We hope that you are well. The growing concern about the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has rattled markets as investors struggle to assess the full … Continued