An Update for UUCEF, LLC Account Holders

A quick update to UUCEF unit holders regarding the annual shareholder meeting at Exxon Mobile. Shareholder pressure is increasing for various types of responses to climate change.  We are hopeful that this proxy voting season will result in progress on the … Continued

Progress in Clean Climate Advocacy

The UUA has long been a leader in shareholder advocacy on environmental issues—a role that was affirmed by the 2014 business resolution on fossil fuel divestment. Working with other active shareholders and advocates, the UUA is helping to uncover deceptive and … Continued

A Big Win for Proxy Access

SEC Issues No-Action Letters Regarding Shareholder Proposals Contested on “Substantial Implementation” Grounds 03/10/2016 Bruce Newsome , Weston Love On February 12, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) issued18 no-action letters concerning requests to exclude proxy access shareholder proposals from proxy materials … Continued

April Monthly Commentary

Global markets were calmer in April following a volatile first quarter amid easing concerns of a sharp economic slowdown in China and as the Federal Reserve reconfirmed a gradual pace to increasing interest rates. The S&P 500 gained 0.4% while … Continued

Attention UUCEF, LLC Account Holders

Did you know that you can access your monthly and year-to-date statements online? If you’d like to sign up for online access please click on the “Reports” tab and from the dropdown menu select “Forms and Sign up for Online … Continued

SRIC Announces New Human Rights Screen

Today, the UUA Socially Responsible Investment Committee (SRIC) is announcing that the UUCEF (Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund) has a new screen that places a spotlight on human rights.  Previously, human rights was merged in our screening process with other … Continued

March Monthly Commentary

Following a rocky start to the first quarter, stocks rallied in March as global currencies strengthened versus the dollar amid renewed investor confidence, and commodity prices showed signs of stabilization. Emerging market equities led the charge with the MSCI EM … Continued

February Monthly Commentary

Global equities recorded modest losses in February as mixed economic data gave investors pause on the heels of January’s sharp drawdown. The S&P 500 was nearly flat, losing 0.1%, as concerns around slowing global growth trumped positive data on US … Continued